Flying High Over Fukushima

Flying High Over Fukushima

We found our helicopter in the car park. It had its own fenced-off space, but the barrier was so low that anyone could see it. In fact, as we put on our headsets and the blades began to spin, a few people stopped to watch. I felt like a true VIP in the back of that helicopter, watched by passersby. The best part? I hadn’t paid a single yen. Continue reading Flying High Over Fukushima

Japan’s Lapland

Japan’s Lapland

In the second weekend of February, as yet another snow storm blew across the prefecture, three friends and I loaded up a rental car with skis and a shovel (for the snow, not for our enemies) and drove through the night. Our destination: the deep mountains of Nagano and Gifu. Our goals: see snow monkeys, go skiing, enjoy the onsen, and wander around the UNESCO village of Shirakawa-go. In three exhausting days. Continue reading Japan’s Lapland

Land of the Rising Sun

Land of the Rising Sun

I’m not a morning person. So when my alarm went off at 4am, and I dragged myself into warm layers and out into the pitch-black morning, I wondered why on earth I was doing this to myself. Even so, my fellow ALT Marc picked me up and up we drove to the Bandai Skyline. Continue reading Land of the Rising Sun

Day One: The Japanese Alps

Day One: The Japanese Alps

Five days, two prefectures, 1400km in my little pink car. Accompanied by two Canadians, I spent Golden Week exploring the Western coast and experiencing many of Japan’s no.1s: the highest onsen, the tallest waterfall, and the most delicious gold leaf ice cream (might’ve made that last one up.) Continue reading Day One: The Japanese Alps